Beauty Haul | October

Thursday 30 October 2014
October goes by so fast! This weekend is gonna be November! 2 more months and it's the end of 2014! I'm so not ready for 2015 as I only crossed few things on my 2014 to-do list! Oh, well, let's not go further into that. Let me do you a favour and spare you from 2 hours of reading. 

Anyway, today I'm going to share with you guys about some items that I bought throughout this month. I'm really sorry as I haven't done much review lately as I've been occupied with uni, extra Japanese language lessons, practicing my drawing, and of course, keeping up with beauty trends among Korean women. Yes, I mean watching Get It Beauty. 

But first, let's go to Etude House. 

I bet all girls wanna be a princess at some point in life and for me... if I have to be honest, I gotta say... only during the time when I watch Cinderella. That means when I was 11. I know. I grew up with 2 brothers and never had girly BFFs not until I hit my 20s. But then, when I saw the Princess Etoinette Season 2 launched in Korea for Winter 2013, I couldn't bring myself and say to no these babies when they're on Sweeties Club October promotion! So I got myself the Princess Etoinette All Over Powder, Crystal Shine Lips in PBE102 Moon Flower Under the Stars (wish came true!!) and the lovely Mirror

Still Here.

Friday 17 October 2014
..... Just busier! Hehe hello, guys!!

I'm so sorry for the unannounced temporary hiatus! I got some messages in my Facebook page inbox, asking whether I'm still blogging or not! Haha chill out~ it's just that I went back to my hometown in Sabah for 2 weeks and I just got back in KL last Monday. There was no I should say, proper internet connection at home as it's been about a month since the raining season had started so the connections at home aren't really that stable so I couldn't update my blog even though I had some free time on my hands that time.

Anyway, how's life? Next week is gonna be the 6th week since the new academic year had started so we're getting nearer to mid semester exams.. So I guess I won't be around here that much.

But still! I got some posts lined up to be drafted already but my desktop is at a friend's place, waiting to be formatted so hopefully when I'm done editing some photos, I would be able to do some reviews and hauls posts!

Speaking of haul posts, oh dear! The past and current month is about makeup mostly but as I haven't finished doing some research on some items, and a friend of mine is going to introduce me to the new (to me at least) world of foundation, I haven't done with shopping actually. Hehe.

But of course, speaking about makeup, one question popped into my head this morning that I'm about to venture a journey on the brands of Western Hemisphere so yeah. There might be some change of directions of this blog soon but to those of you who follow this blog solely because of Korean product reviews, fret not as I'm still fully using Korean skincare products so hopefully we can continue sharing awesome tips in the future.

So yeah, I think that's all for now. I'm definitely still not used to blogging on my iPhone even after more than 6 years. LOL

I'll see you guys soon!

XOXO, Mira. 

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